Poor Alyssa and her baby acne... =( when will this go away!!

I placed her on her tummy for the first time. I was a little scared but she actually did okay. She even turned her head to the other side on her own. I think she sleeps better this way.
When she sleeps this way I don't need to swaddle her, and now that it's soo hot in our room it works out for the better.
She's growing up so quickly.
hahaha what a fatty. she's so adorable! hahaha.. aiyah.
how was that baby convention thingie? you shud have had me go with you... :P i love shopping, although i don't have a baby nor do i need anything from a baby convention. still looks like it was fun. :) hahaha..
anyway, i just randomly decided to check this thing.. and BLAM! you started posting??? haha when did this happen. hahaha anyway, see you this weekend.
i swear by sleeping them on their bellies. they love it! but i understand why it's scary for a while. as long as they have head control enough to move from side to side, i say it's just fine. besides, you have that nifty video monitor! wish i had one of those...
Alyssa is so much bigger than the last time I saw her! They really do grow so fast! What a cutie pie!
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