I asked Paul to go out and buy a tub for Alyssa. He came back with this whale tub. I asked him what this whale cut-out thingy was for. His response was, it's a sponge for Alyssa when you give her a bath. I just started laughing.. Are you serious.. this big thing is a sponge?? You got to be kidding me.. He said the box said it was for a sponge bath.. I could not stop laughing.. did he really think it was an actual sponge to use to wash Alyssa?? haha!! I had to explain to him that that sponge bath probably means that we place her on the whale while giving her a sponge bath the first few weeks after she's born.. We both had a good laugh.. =)

The biggest sponge I've ever seen.. =)
that's soooo funny! you guys are so cute!! it was really good to see you today, felicia! alyssa is ADORABLE!! so cute!!! sorry, we didn't chat as much... but as you obviously saw, the boys were crazy!! (this is elena, btw. =D)
PUHAHAHAHA! that's a freakin' hilarious story! btw, it was good seeing you and baby alyssa the other day at my place! she's such a cutie! i forgot to get your addy though! can you send it to me?
ummmmmm, i believe it's been a while....
hey felicia, you've been blogging alot for a new mommy! have i said congrats?? your days must be so different now w/a baby....she looks like a calm baby, is she? the sponge thing is funny, i would've started laughing too. (btw, i finally posted.)
p.s. i like her name, alyssa ahn, it has a nice ring to it.
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