Once we were in, it actually was pretty easy. She was now comfortable, full, and had a clean diaper. As I walked in, one of the first booths I stopped at was a baby carrier booth called Cat Bird Baby. The concept was like what our parents used to use to carry us with when we were babies. The big blanket looking things with the long straps to wrap around yourself and under the butt of the baby. (not sure if I explained that well) I asked the ladies if I could 'test' it out. So during my visit I was carrying Alyssa in this carrier. It was quite comfortable so ofcourse I bought one.

I actually got suckered into buying another carrier called the Moby Wrap. (Yes another baby carrier...not to mention I have a Baby Bjorn at home that Son got me) Its a huge piece of cloth you wrap around your upper body. When I tried it yesterday at the convention I thought it was nice. Really comfortable.. but now that I tried it at home today by myself.. it's kinda hard to put on.. haha!!
The real reason I went was to buy a sling.. but instead I walked out with 2 carriers...Now Paul wishes he went with me.. =)

YOu're a hardcore mommy!!! A baby convention??? I didn't know they had such things! YOu should ebay the things you don't want. haha.
you made her pose w/ her free toy~ haha :D
dude, how many carriers does one child need?! but you're right, gotta try them all out or you'll never know...
i think i have a sling somewhere that you can have, i'll try to dig it up. both my babies hated it.
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