Yea!! She's made it.. ahah!! or should I say we made it.. =)
Can't believe she's already a month old. If you think about it she should only be about a week old if she was born on her original delivery date. She's grown so much in just a month. She was so tiny when she was born 5lbs 5oz. A few days after we brought her home we found out that we weren't feeding her enough. We were only feeding her around 20ml every 3 hours. (that's not even an ounce) We later found out we should be feeding her around 40-60ml each feeding (around 2ounces) again OOPS!! There's so many things you need to know... It does get a little overwhelming and the internet becomes your best friend. But in the end it all works out.
She's doing really well and eating lots and lots.. She's getting the chubby cheeks and her thighs are filling in. =)

That was her in about a five minute time frame. She loves making faces. We love ou Alyssa... Like the koreans tell me have them small but raise them big... We're trying. =)
Does anyone know when we should take her out of our room and into her own room??? Some people suggest we move her now...Isn't it a little early??
Do as you see fit. Judy still sleeps with Evan and now.. Evan AND Brendon. Easier to do early on, but don't do it until you feel comfortable. There is no "right" time. Congrats!
heehe i love it when her eyes are open~ i wish she wasnt sleeping so much when i was there! but i'm glad youre updating this more now :)
both caleb and casey were officially out of our room within the first couple months, but that doesn't really mean anything, because it all depends on the day. there are still times when they crawl in with us in the middle of the night or stretches when it's impossible for them to fall asleep without us right next to them/cuddling them. they go thru phases.
i agree with joey, there is no right time and you have to follow your gut. you can only raise your kids the best way you see fit, even if everyone around you does it differently. only you know what's best for them. ;)
that said, i almost went crazy when caleb was in our bed because i had such a hard time falling asleep! he was always kicking me or grinding his teeth or butting me in the head etc. everything woke me up. by the time i had casey though, i could sleep standing up, so none of that mattered. go figure.
this is turning into a dissertation, sorry!!!
if you're only worried about if alyssa will be safe away from you guys in another room, then i'd have to say 100% she'll be just fine. you don't have to worry about waking her up to eat, she's not going to starve. trust me, she'll let you know when she needs you.
trial and error.... GOOD LUCK!!! you're doing awesome.
Hiiii!! Man she's gotten big already!!! I miss herrrr :) I love how ur like oops!! Hahaha take lots of pictures and videos. My sister just started sleeping by herself haha well like 6 months ago haha
this is merely only my advice... earlier the better, and now is not too early. =D but TOTALLY up to you and paul. =D
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