Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Our good friends Amy and Calvin came down to San Diego from Seattle so we decided to meet up with them and go to Seaworld.Here's Esther and Marian taking Tyler and Alyssa on a ride. (Alyssa did not like any of the rides)Alyssa didn't even like this character.. (Sorry not sure what her name is.. haah!! maybe I should start watching sesame street)Tyler and Charis loved her... =)

Calvin and Caia

Amy and Charis
We had so much fun at Seaworld. Too bad Alyssa and Tyler were asleep half the day. We stayed over at Marians house the night before and they did not want to sleep. Both of them were running around and making a mess at Marian's.
Here's alyssa digging through Marian's bag.
Tyler loving the drumstick. Tyler just being cute =D Alyssa digging through Marians bag again..(wonder what's so interesting in there)


Sarah said...

thanks felicia! didn't you guys have a baby/buy a house around the same time too? alyssa is cute w/her teeny pigtails=)

Anonymous said...

congrats you two! I just read sonias blog. He's beautiful. And that's such a cute picture of Alyssa! Congrats!!

son said...

this blog is a cryin shame.

son said...

seriously, this is ridiculous. do i have to pay you or something? let me rephrase- does kev have to pay you or something? haha!