Monday, April 28, 2008

Family Visit

This weekend my mom, brother, and Gerrard came for a visit. We didn't really do much but it was nice having family here. On Saturday we ate at this shabu shabu place in K-town and it was Delish! Did some shopping and the boys went shooting.. nice relaxing weekend.. but HOT!!!

Here's a few pictures of Alyssa and her cousin Gerrard.Aren't his eyelashes so LONG!!


Anonymous said...

!!!!!!!! can't believe how much gerrard has grown! he's practically a toddler...

hey, trying to fly down to see d's baby around may 31-june2. this is just after you go back home from seattle, no? we can see each other again. ;) haha...

Anonymous said...

Gerrad looks just like RAY!!! And Alyssa is soo cute!! SHe so chubby I love it!!! I'm excited that your coming for a visit!!