Anyways, back to this weekend, we decided on Thursday to head up to Portland to hang out with my sis - Son, my BOL - Kev, my all-grown-up-going-to-school-it's-almost-time-when-his-head-will-finally-be-in-proportion-to-the-rest-of-his-body nephew - Caleb, and my mini-me-my-daugther-is-almost-her-size-and-she's-two-years-younger-cutest-thing-to-ever-walk-the-earth-next-to-Alyssa niece - Casey! Honestly, my fondest memories in life have been just hanging out with the fam in the Northwest, so to say we were looking forward to this weekend would probably be an understatement...
Now, I understand you don't read this to listen to any of my ramblings, so on to the picture show that was our weekend...
Life Lesson #1 - FEM*A
There is one life truth that one must remember above all, even above happy wife = happy life and don't ever leave the toilet seat up... Force Equals Mass * Acceleration. My Casey bear unfortunately learned this message the hard way.
We were just hanging out at Portland church (where apparently almost every family in the whole church is protesting China's One Child law by having 6 kids each), watching the kids on various wheel based instruments (e.g. rollerblades, skateboards, bikes, scooters, etc..). It was almost like a druken Nascar event, with little blurs heading every which way as far as the eye could see. Along comes Casey, meandering along, when a kid comes around the corner on a bike at Mach 2 and bowls into her! Now, usually, one throws their arms out in an effort to break their fall. Alas, Casey has yet to learn this critical lesson, choosing to stop her fall with her forehead. The aftermath is:
Simple Physics, you say? I would agree.
Life Lesson #2 - Don't Send Girls Shopping Alone
Using the con of "You guys stay home and watch football while we go out shopping" to spend some "quality" time together, Fo and Son embarked on Sunday to go shopping. Usually, I expect Fo to come back from her trips with little bobbles from her expedition. However, this time, she got SangMi a $42 coat that was made out of recycled 2-liter Coke bottles or something?!? Apparently, Son and Fo are double-handedly trying their darndest to keep our economy afloat during these rough times. That being said, SangMi is pretty damn cute in the coat, if I do so say so myself...
Life Lesson #3 - There Really Is Nothing Better Than Hangin' Out with Family...
Random Pics...
My daughter worried about the anorexic state of Hollywood...Ironic, no?
Kev is Saesim's padawan when it comes to Jedi Master of Meat Grilling. Tasty? Believe dat...
My nephew and niece rockin out (Caleb playing Slow Ride on practice mode at the slowest speed is about the funniest 40 minutes of your life...Let's just say he gets his rhythm from Kev...)...
Check out the Wizard of Oz shoes and the facial expression...I really want to just bite her, I do...
wow. lovin the new turnaround speed, that was fast!!!
forgot to mention- matching shoes to 100% recycled coke bottle jacket. and sizable chunk of gossip magazine in alyssa's mouth. that oughtta teach 'em to eat and eat right!!!
miss you guys already...
HAAHAHAH that coat is sooo cute! and alyssa is standing on her own?! wow talk about advanced. i'm so jealous you guys got to go to the PNW! i miss it...and everyone there. thanks for posting pics of the kiddos :D poor casey. homegirl is like 1/2 girly girl 1/2 tomboy. perfect mix!
o i'm so glad you guys started posting on this again~ i've been checking it like once a month to see if there was anything new up and was so pleasantly surprised right now!! :D
anywaiz, just wanted to say, alyssa looks A-DORable in that recycled coat~~ what a freakin cutie!
hahah hi oppa and fo! and of course... casey! lol.. love the pictures... :D i miss you guys... hope you guys are staying safe with the fires and all... :P
oppps.. hahahahha i sayd casey.. lol i mean.. alyssa! ahahahahahhaa.. i think im fired.
Paul, I don't think you're doing much better than fo as far as your frequency of posting. Who's next in the line of succession?
1. the issue of US that alyssa is holding is hanging in my room!
2. alyssa is so dang cute!
3. the steaks look good! dry rub! yummy! ---elena
i'll just point out that i would never deprive you of your niece and nephew for this long. it's just RUDE.
wow. you're both FIRED!!!!!!
new post please!!!---elena
i give up.
it's been almost a year since you last posted. ok maybe 6 months...but still! please update soon!
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