Darn it.. I should have bought this onsie.. haha!! =)
So after Alyssa's 2 month check-up and an okay from her doctor Alyssa and I headed up to Seattle for two weeks. My extended family hadn't had a chance to meet her and Paul was working so much I thought it was the perfect time to go up. The plane tickets were super cheap as well. I can't remember the last time I paid $79 each way. We took Virgin America. (I vowed never to take Alaska Airlines again. They SUCk!!) Here are a few pictures from the plane. I had the entire row to myself. Doesn't she look so comfortable.. This is her first time on a plane. Just me and her. ( SOn I don't understand how you do it with TWO kids.. It was hard enough with just one) Alyssa did really well on the plane. She slept the entire flight. The luggage was teh hardest part. I had her stroller, car seat, carry on bag and two suitcases. I had her in the baby bjorn then placed one smaller suitcase and carseat in the stroller. So I was carrying Alyssa and my carry on bag, pushing the stroller with the carseat and smaller suitcase, and pulling the larger suitcase... Won't do that again if I don't have to.. =)
Doesn't the plane look so 'pretty'?
You get your own tv screen. THere was a Top CHef marathon going on. (how funny.. this particular episode was when they had to make dishes for planes.)
You can even watch music videos, play games, chat with other people on the plane and they even have international channels. How crazy is that.
You even order your drinks from the screen.
I won't fly any other airline when flying up to Seattle.
Unfortunately I didn't really take any pictures up in Seattle. I only have a few pictures when I was down in Portland.
Here we are relaxing. It was such a beautiful day.

Our yummy cupcakes!!
I loved my flowers =)
I Love you babe.. Thanks for everything!! Maybe next year we'll be in the same State for our anniversary... =)
Happy Mother's Day!! We went to the Hilton in Woodland Hills. They had a Mother's Day Brunch.

Okay.. I'll end this post here. haha!! Hope you enjoyed our pictures.. What have you been up to lately??
so finally you've done it. and about that poopy diaper...i don't even know what to say. haha, disgusting? yes, that will do. Poor Paul indeed, such demands from a wife who doesn't even spend their first wedding anniversary together. tsk tsk...=D
finally, hallelujah. too bad these are all old photos because alyssa looks exactly the same. i wanna see some updates, man!
that is the CRAZIEST diaper i have ever seen. how did it not go up her back? incredible.
my sister is pressuring me to reserve the palm springs house. more on that later. i just realized that caleb starts school the first week of sept. how about last week of aug? does that work for you guys? does that work for our parents? i guess i should call you tomorrow!
Dude, Esther and I spent our 1year anniversary in different states too. hehe Maybe not such a good thing to have in common
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